evolution: binaries compiled for GNOME Evolution mac: binary compiled for Mac OS X (i386 and PPC) sources: complete source code parent directory: contains repositories which also include SyncEvolution, see http://www.estamos.de/projects/SyncML/Installation.html README.txt: this text --- Latest Official Release: 0.8.1a for Mac OS X, 0.8.1 everything else This is version improves calendar support (better time zone support, now also synchronizes detached recurrences) and comes with a completely new command line interface (no need to copy and edit configuration files!). Various feature requests were implemented and one reason for a segfault was fixed. - on the Nokia 770/N800/N810 point your browser to the following URL to add the APT repository and install syncevolution: http://www.estamos.de/download/syncevolution.install - on an x86 or amd64 desktop using APT, add the following entry to /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://www.estamos.de/download/apt stable main - on non-APT desktops unpack the corresponding .tar.gz - on Mac OS X, unpack the syncevolution-0.8-mac-os-x.tar.gz, then create a config just as on any other platform via the command line The release 0.7 for the iPhone is still available, but the repository might no longer work with Installer.app. There is no 0.8 release for the iPhone, use Funambol's client instead. Since 0.6 SyncEvolution ran on Nokia's 770 and 800, which only used Evolution under the hood. On the iPhone it is entirely independent of Evolution, so it is time for a name change: "SyncEvolution - the SyncML client for Evolution" is dead, long live "SyncEvolution - the missing link". So far there were very limited ways to give feedback to the developer of SyncEvolution. Now there is not just one, but several new ways to suggest improvements and/or simply show your appreciation of this work: - Send a postcard to the author (see http://www.estamos.de/). - Leave comments on the author's blog: http://www.estamos.de/blog/ - If you really want to, you can donate an arbitrary amount of money via PayPal to patrick.ohly@gmx.de. This is by no means required: SyncEvolution is free software in all meanings of the word. The author does not depend on this income either and promises to spend it on SyncEvolution related expenses instead of wasting it on booze and women... As before, you can of course also use: - the Funambol SourceForge mailing lists: http://www.funambol.com/opensource/communitysupport.php - the ScheduleWorld forum for issues related to it: http://www.scheduleworld.com/jforum/forums/show/6.page - private email: patrick.ohly@gmx.de