[DEBUG 00:00:00] *** starting Client::Source::eds_event::testOpen ***
[DEBUG 00:00:00] ClientTest.cpp:1111: starting CPPUNIT_ASSERT(config.m_createSourceA)
[DEBUG 00:00:00] ClientTest.cpp:1111: ending CPPUNIT_ASSERT(config.m_createSourceA)
[DEBUG 00:00:00] ClientTest.cpp:1117: starting source.reset(createSourceA())
[DEBUG 00:00:00] instantiating testing source eds_event in config target-config@client-test-eds, with tracking name _1_A
[DEBUG 00:00:00] overriding testing source eds_event properties with the ones from config eds_1 = /data/runtests/work/downstream-unstable/home/eds/config/syncevolution/client-test-1/peers/eds_1
[DEBUG 00:00:00]    sync = disabled (set)
[DEBUG 00:00:00]    uri = cal2 (set)
[DEBUG 00:00:00]    backend = Evolution Calendar (set)
[DEBUG 00:00:00]    syncFormat =  (default)
[DEBUG 00:00:00]    forceSyncFormat = 0 (default)
[DEBUG 00:00:00]    database = Test_eds_event_1 (set)
[DEBUG 00:00:00]    databaseFormat =  (default)
[DEBUG 00:00:00]    databaseUser =  (default)
[DEBUG 00:00:00]    databasePassword =  (default)
[DEBUG 00:00:00] *** ending Client::Source::eds_event::testOpen: *** failed *** ***
[ERROR 00:00:00] EvolutionSyncSource.cpp:85:Assertion
[ERROR 00:00:00] Test name: Client::Source::eds_event::testOpen
[ERROR 00:00:00] eds_event: accessing database: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying
[ERROR 00:00:00] - ClientTest.cpp:1117
[ERROR 00:00:00]
[ERROR 00:00:00] Failures !!!
[ERROR 00:00:00] Run: 0   Failure total: 1   Failures: 1   Errors: 0