Fri Jan 5 15:31:06 2018 UTC (+ 3.2s / 111.6s) target /data/schroot/2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc: [%General] Driver=QSQLITE3 [QSQLITE3] Name=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/data/akonadi/akonadi.db [Debug] Tracer=null Fri Jan 5 15:31:07 2018 UTC (+ 0.3s / 111.9s) target /data/schroot/2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi.db: PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF; BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE SchemaVersionTable (version INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0); INSERT INTO "SchemaVersionTable" VALUES(20); CREATE TABLE ResourceTable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, name TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, isVirtual BOOL DEFAULT false); INSERT INTO "ResourceTable" VALUES(1,'akonadi_search_resource',1); INSERT INTO "ResourceTable" VALUES(2,'akonadi_ical_resource_0','false'); INSERT INTO "ResourceTable" VALUES(3,'akonadi_ical_resource_1','false'); INSERT INTO "ResourceTable" VALUES(4,'akonadi_ical_resource_2','false'); INSERT INTO "ResourceTable" VALUES(5,'akonadi_contacts_resource_0','false'); INSERT INTO "ResourceTable" VALUES(6,'akonadi_contacts_resource_1','false'); INSERT INTO "ResourceTable" VALUES(7,'akonadi_contacts_resource_2','false'); INSERT INTO "ResourceTable" VALUES(8,'akonadi_notes_resource_0','false'); INSERT INTO "ResourceTable" VALUES(9,'akonadi_notes_resource_1','false'); INSERT INTO "ResourceTable" VALUES(10,'akonadi_notes_resource_2','false'); CREATE TABLE CollectionTable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, remoteId TEXT, remoteRevision TEXT, name TEXT NOT NULL, parentId BIGINT, resourceId BIGINT NOT NULL, subscribed BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT true, cachePolicyInherit BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT true, cachePolicyCheckInterval INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, cachePolicyCacheTimeout INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, cachePolicySyncOnDemand BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT false, cachePolicyLocalParts TEXT, queryString TEXT, queryLanguage TEXT); INSERT INTO "CollectionTable" VALUES(1,NULL,NULL,'Search',NULL,1,'true','true',-1,-1,'false',NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO "CollectionTable" VALUES(2,'file:///data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/data/akonadi/ical_resource_0.ics','','akonadi_ical_resource_0',NULL,2,'true','true',-1,-1,'false',NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO "CollectionTable" VALUES(3,'file:///data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/data/akonadi/ical_resource_1.ics','','akonadi_ical_resource_1',NULL,3,'true','true',-1,-1,'false',NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO "CollectionTable" VALUES(4,'file:///data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/data/akonadi/ical_resource_2.ics','','akonadi_ical_resource_2',NULL,4,'true','true',-1,-1,'false',NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO "CollectionTable" VALUES(5,'/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/data/akonadi/contacts_0','','Personal_Contacts_0',NULL,5,'true','true',-1,-1,'false',NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO "CollectionTable" VALUES(6,'/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/data/akonadi/contacts_1','','Personal_Contacts_1',NULL,6,'true','true',-1,-1,'false',NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO "CollectionTable" VALUES(8,'/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/data/akonadi/contacts_2','','Personal_Contacts_2',NULL,7,'true','true',-1,-1,'false',NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO "CollectionTable" VALUES(9,'file:///data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/data/akonadi/notes_resource_0.ics','','akonadi_notes_resource_0',NULL,8,'true','true',-1,-1,'false',NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO "CollectionTable" VALUES(10,'file:///data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/data/akonadi/notes_resource_0.ics','','akonadi_notes_resource_1',NULL,9,'true','true',-1,-1,'false',NULL,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO "CollectionTable" VALUES(11,'file:///data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/data/akonadi/notes_resource_1.ics','','akonadi_notes_resource_2',NULL,10,'true','true',-1,-1,'false',NULL,NULL,NULL); CREATE TABLE MimeTypeTable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, name TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL); INSERT INTO "MimeTypeTable" VALUES(1,'application/octet-stream'); INSERT INTO "MimeTypeTable" VALUES(2,'message/rfc822'); INSERT INTO "MimeTypeTable" VALUES(3,'text/calendar'); INSERT INTO "MimeTypeTable" VALUES(4,'text/vcard'); INSERT INTO "MimeTypeTable" VALUES(5,'inode/directory'); INSERT INTO "MimeTypeTable" VALUES(6,'application/x-vnd.akonadi.calendar.event'); INSERT INTO "MimeTypeTable" VALUES(7,'application/x-vnd.akonadi.calendar.todo'); INSERT INTO "MimeTypeTable" VALUES(8,'application/x-vnd.akonadi.calendar.journal'); INSERT INTO "MimeTypeTable" VALUES(9,'application/x-vnd.akonadi.calendar.freebusy'); INSERT INTO "MimeTypeTable" VALUES(10,'text/directory'); INSERT INTO "MimeTypeTable" VALUES(11,'application/x-vnd.kde.contactgroup'); INSERT INTO "MimeTypeTable" VALUES(12,'application/x-vnd.kde.notes'); CREATE TABLE PimItemTable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, rev INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, remoteId TEXT, remoteRevision TEXT, collectionId BIGINT, mimeTypeId BIGINT, datetime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, atime TIMESTAMP, dirty BOOL, size BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0); CREATE TABLE FlagTable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, name TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL); INSERT INTO "FlagTable" VALUES(1,'important'); INSERT INTO "FlagTable" VALUES(2,'has_attachment'); INSERT INTO "FlagTable" VALUES(3,'spam'); INSERT INTO "FlagTable" VALUES(4,'\ANSWERED'); INSERT INTO "FlagTable" VALUES(5,'\FLAGGED'); INSERT INTO "FlagTable" VALUES(6,'\DELETED'); INSERT INTO "FlagTable" VALUES(7,'\SEEN'); INSERT INTO "FlagTable" VALUES(8,'\DRAFT'); CREATE TABLE PartTable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, pimItemId BIGINT NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, data LONGBLOB, datasize BIGINT NOT NULL, version INTEGER DEFAULT 0, external BOOL DEFAULT false); CREATE TABLE CollectionAttributeTable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, collectionId BIGINT NOT NULL, type LONGBLOB NOT NULL, value LONGBLOB); INSERT INTO "CollectionAttributeTable" VALUES(1,2,X'454E54495459444953504C4159',X'28226963616C5F7265736F757263655F302E6963732220226F66666963652D63616C656E6461722220222220282929'); INSERT INTO "CollectionAttributeTable" VALUES(2,2,X'416363657373526967687473',X'77636457'); INSERT INTO "CollectionAttributeTable" VALUES(3,3,X'454E54495459444953504C4159',X'28226963616C5F7265736F757263655F302E6963732028436C6F6E65292220226F66666963652D63616C656E6461722220222220282929'); INSERT INTO "CollectionAttributeTable" VALUES(4,3,X'416363657373526967687473',X'77636457'); INSERT INTO "CollectionAttributeTable" VALUES(5,4,X'454E54495459444953504C4159',X'28226963616C5F7265736F757263655F322E6963732220226F66666963652D63616C656E6461722220222220282929'); INSERT INTO "CollectionAttributeTable" VALUES(6,4,X'416363657373526967687473',X'77636457'); INSERT INTO "CollectionAttributeTable" VALUES(7,5,X'416363657373526967687473',X'61'); INSERT INTO "CollectionAttributeTable" VALUES(8,6,X'416363657373526967687473',X'61'); INSERT INTO "CollectionAttributeTable" VALUES(10,8,X'416363657373526967687473',X'61'); INSERT INTO "CollectionAttributeTable" VALUES(11,9,X'454E54495459444953504C4159',X'28226E6F7465735F7265736F757263655F302E6963732220226B6E6F7465732220222220282929'); INSERT INTO "CollectionAttributeTable" VALUES(12,9,X'416363657373526967687473',X'77636457'); INSERT INTO "CollectionAttributeTable" VALUES(13,10,X'454E54495459444953504C4159',X'28226E6F7465735F7265736F757263655F302E6963732028436C6F6E65292220226B6E6F7465732220222220282929'); INSERT INTO "CollectionAttributeTable" VALUES(14,10,X'416363657373526967687473',X'77636457'); INSERT INTO "CollectionAttributeTable" VALUES(15,11,X'454E54495459444953504C4159',X'28226E6F7465735F7265736F757263655F302E6963732028436C6F6E65292028436C6F6E65292220226B6E6F7465732220222220282929'); INSERT INTO "CollectionAttributeTable" VALUES(16,11,X'416363657373526967687473',X'77636457'); CREATE TABLE PimItemFlagRelation (PimItem_id INTEGER REFERENCES PimItemTable(id), Flag_id INTEGER REFERENCES FlagTable(id), PRIMARY KEY (PimItem_id, Flag_id)); CREATE TABLE CollectionMimeTypeRelation (Collection_id INTEGER REFERENCES CollectionTable(id), MimeType_id INTEGER REFERENCES MimeTypeTable(id), PRIMARY KEY (Collection_id, MimeType_id)); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(2,3); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(2,6); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(2,7); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(2,8); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(2,9); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(3,6); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(3,9); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(3,8); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(3,7); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(3,3); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(4,6); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(4,9); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(4,8); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(4,7); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(4,3); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(5,5); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(5,10); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(5,11); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(6,11); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(6,5); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(6,10); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(8,11); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(8,5); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(8,10); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(9,12); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(10,12); INSERT INTO "CollectionMimeTypeRelation" VALUES(11,12); CREATE TABLE CollectionPimItemRelation (Collection_id INTEGER REFERENCES CollectionTable(id), PimItem_id INTEGER REFERENCES PimItemTable(id), PRIMARY KEY (Collection_id, PimItem_id)); DELETE FROM sqlite_sequence; INSERT INTO "sqlite_sequence" VALUES('ResourceTable',10); INSERT INTO "sqlite_sequence" VALUES('CollectionTable',11); INSERT INTO "sqlite_sequence" VALUES('MimeTypeTable',12); INSERT INTO "sqlite_sequence" VALUES('FlagTable',8); INSERT INTO "sqlite_sequence" VALUES('CollectionAttributeTable',16); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX CollectionTable_parentAndNameIndex ON CollectionTable (parentId,name); CREATE INDEX PimItemTable_collectionIndex ON PimItemTable (collectionId); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX PartTable_pimItemIdNameIndex ON PartTable (pimItemId,name); CREATE INDEX PartTable_pimItemNameIndex ON PartTable (name); CREATE INDEX CollectionAttributeTable_collectionIndex ON CollectionAttributeTable (collectionId); COMMIT; old /data/schroot/2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/.cache new /data/schroot/2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/cache old /data/schroot/2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/.config new /data/schroot/2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config old /data/schroot/2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/.local/share new /data/schroot/2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/data Fri Jan 5 15:31:07 2018 UTC (+ 0.0s / 111.9s) === starting davical === Fri Jan 5 15:31:07 2018 UTC (+ 0.0s / 111.9s) result dir: /data/schroot/2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/nightly/results/2018-01-05-07-10_all/prebuilt-testing-amd64/19-davical, /proc/self/cwd -> /data/schroot/2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/nightly/results/2018-01-05-07-10_all/prebuilt-testing-amd64/19-davical Fri Jan 5 15:31:07 2018 UTC (+ 0.0s / 111.9s) changing into directory /data/schroot/2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/tests/davical (= /data/schroot/2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/tests/davical) Fri Jan 5 15:31:07 2018 UTC (+ 0.0s / 111.9s) *** ( cd /data/schroot/2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/tests/davical; export 'PATH=/home/nightly/bin:/home/nightly/testing:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/nightly/testing:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/nightly/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin' 'HOME=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical' 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config' 'XDG_DATA_HOME=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/data' 'XDG_CACHE_HOME=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/cache'; unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH; /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ -j 1 -r davical -- env 'CLIENT_TEST_WEBDAV=davical caldav caldavtodo carddav' CLIENT_TEST_NUM_ITEMS=10 CLIENT_TEST_SIMPLE_UID=1 CLIENT_TEST_MODE=server schroot -d /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/tests/davical -r -p -c 2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64 -- env DBUS_SESSION_SH_SYSTEM_BUS=1 /unshare --pid --mount-proc --fork -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log dbus-monitor.log dbus-monitor interface=org.freedesktop.DBus -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-source-registry.log --daemon-sleep 5 --wait-for-dbus-daemon org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Sources /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-addressbook-factory.log --wait-for-dbus-daemon org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory --keep-running -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-calendar-factory.log /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory --keep-running -- env /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ /usr/libexec/activesyncd -- /home/nightly/testing/ davical ./syncevolution ) Fri Jan 5 15:31:07 2018 UTC (+ 0.0s / 0.0s) === locking resource(s) ['davical'] === Fri Jan 5 15:33:37 2018 UTC (+ 150.6s / 150.6s) property changed: status = acquired Fri Jan 5 15:33:37 2018 UTC (+ 0.0s / 150.6s) using jobserver Fri Jan 5 15:33:37 2018 UTC (+ 0.0s / 150.6s) === allocating 1 job slot(s) === Fri Jan 5 15:33:51 2018 UTC (+ 14.2s / 164.8s) === allocated 1 job slot(s) === W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-release-eas-testing-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-release-eas-stretch-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-xenial-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-clang-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-xenial-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-downstream-xenial-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-testing-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-release-eas-stretch-i386] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-i386] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-xenial-i386] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-downstream-unstable] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-downstream-testing] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-release-eas-testing-i386] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. I: [2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64 chroot] Running command: “env DBUS_SESSION_SH_SYSTEM_BUS=1 /unshare --pid --mount-proc --fork -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log dbus-monitor.log dbus-monitor interface=org.freedesktop.DBus -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-source-registry.log --daemon-sleep 5 --wait-for-dbus-daemon org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Sources /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-addressbook-factory.log --wait-for-dbus-daemon org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory --keep-running -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-calendar-factory.log /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory --keep-running -- env /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ /usr/libexec/activesyncd -- /home/nightly/testing/ davical ./syncevolution” + PS4='wrappercheck-$$ line ${LINENO}: ' wrappercheck-15 line 16: PIDS= wrappercheck-15 line 18: trap '[ "" ] && kill -TERM ' TERM wrappercheck-15 line 19: trap '[ "" ] && kill -INT ' INT wrappercheck-15 line 21: DAEMON_LOG= wrappercheck-15 line 22: WAIT_FOR_DAEMON_OUTPUT= wrappercheck-15 line 23: WAIT_FOR_DBUS_DAEMON= wrappercheck-15 line 25: declare -a BACKGROUND wrappercheck-15 line 26: declare -a ENV wrappercheck-15 line 28: '[' 35 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-15 line 28: '[' --daemon-log '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-15 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-15 line 31: shift wrappercheck-15 line 32: DAEMON_LOG=dbus-monitor.log wrappercheck-15 line 53: shift wrappercheck-15 line 28: '[' 33 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-15 line 28: '[' dbus-monitor '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-15 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-15 line 50: break wrappercheck-15 line 56: '[' 33 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-15 line 56: '[' dbus-monitor '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-15 line 57: BACKGROUND[${#BACKGROUND[*]}]=dbus-monitor wrappercheck-15 line 58: shift wrappercheck-15 line 56: '[' 32 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-15 line 56: '[' interface=org.freedesktop.DBus '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-15 line 57: BACKGROUND[${#BACKGROUND[*]}]=interface=org.freedesktop.DBus wrappercheck-15 line 58: shift wrappercheck-15 line 56: '[' 31 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-15 line 56: '[' -- '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-15 line 60: shift wrappercheck-15 line 62: '[' dbus-monitor.log ']' wrappercheck-15 line 62: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-15 line 66: set +x *** starting dbus-monitor as background daemon, output to dbus-monitor.log wrappercheck-15 line 72: BACKGROUND_PID=17 wrappercheck-15 line 70: set -x wrappercheck-15 line 73: PIDS+=17 wrappercheck-15 line 70: exec wrappercheck-15 line 75: '[' dbus-monitor.log ']' wrappercheck-15 line 75: '[' '' ']' gnome-keyring-daemon: insufficient process capabilities, unsecure memory might get used wrappercheck-15 line 84: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-15 line 93: kill -0 17 wrappercheck-15 line 94: set +e wrappercheck-15 line 95: '[' '' ']' ** Message: couldn't access control socket: /tmp/tmp.Y7jgQf8YfW/keyring/control: No such file or directory wrappercheck-15 line 99: set -x wrappercheck-15 line 99: /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-source-registry.log --daemon-sleep 5 --wait-for-dbus-daemon org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Sources /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-addressbook-factory.log --wait-for-dbus-daemon org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory --keep-running -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-calendar-factory.log /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory --keep-running -- env /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ /usr/libexec/activesyncd -- /home/nightly/testing/ davical ./syncevolution + PS4='wrappercheck-$$ line ${LINENO}: ' wrappercheck-24 line 16: PIDS= wrappercheck-24 line 18: trap '[ "" ] && kill -TERM ' TERM wrappercheck-24 line 19: trap '[ "" ] && kill -INT ' INT wrappercheck-24 line 21: DAEMON_LOG= wrappercheck-24 line 22: WAIT_FOR_DAEMON_OUTPUT= wrappercheck-24 line 23: WAIT_FOR_DBUS_DAEMON= wrappercheck-24 line 25: declare -a BACKGROUND wrappercheck-24 line 26: declare -a ENV wrappercheck-24 line 28: '[' 29 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-24 line 28: '[' --daemon-log '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-24 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-24 line 31: shift wrappercheck-24 line 32: DAEMON_LOG=evolution-source-registry.log wrappercheck-24 line 53: shift wrappercheck-24 line 28: '[' 27 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-24 line 28: '[' --daemon-sleep '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-24 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-24 line 43: shift wrappercheck-24 line 44: DAEMON_SLEEP=5 wrappercheck-24 line 53: shift wrappercheck-24 line 28: '[' 25 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-24 line 28: '[' --wait-for-dbus-daemon '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-24 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-24 line 35: shift wrappercheck-24 line 36: WAIT_FOR_DBUS_DAEMON=org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Sources wrappercheck-24 line 53: shift wrappercheck-24 line 28: '[' 23 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-24 line 28: '[' /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-24 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-24 line 50: break wrappercheck-24 line 56: '[' 23 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-24 line 56: '[' /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-24 line 57: BACKGROUND[${#BACKGROUND[*]}]=/usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry wrappercheck-24 line 58: shift wrappercheck-24 line 56: '[' 22 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-24 line 56: '[' -- '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-24 line 60: shift wrappercheck-24 line 62: '[' evolution-source-registry.log ']' wrappercheck-24 line 62: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-24 line 66: set +x *** starting /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry as background daemon, output to evolution-source-registry.log wrappercheck-24 line 72: BACKGROUND_PID=27 wrappercheck-24 line 73: PIDS+=27 wrappercheck-24 line 75: '[' evolution-source-registry.log ']' wrappercheck-24 line 75: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-24 line 84: '[' org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Sources ']' wrappercheck-24 line 85: set +x *** waiting for daemon to connect to D-Bus as 'org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Sources' wrappercheck-24 line 70: set -x wrappercheck-24 line 70: exec wrappercheck-24 line 93: kill -0 27 wrappercheck-24 line 94: set +e wrappercheck-24 line 95: '[' 5 ']' wrappercheck-24 line 96: set +x *** 'sleep 5' for daemon to settle down wrappercheck-24 line 97: sleep 5 wrappercheck-24 line 99: set -x wrappercheck-24 line 99: /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-addressbook-factory.log --wait-for-dbus-daemon org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory --keep-running -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-calendar-factory.log /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory --keep-running -- env /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ /usr/libexec/activesyncd -- /home/nightly/testing/ davical ./syncevolution + PS4='wrappercheck-$$ line ${LINENO}: ' wrappercheck-80 line 16: PIDS= wrappercheck-80 line 18: trap '[ "" ] && kill -TERM ' TERM wrappercheck-80 line 19: trap '[ "" ] && kill -INT ' INT wrappercheck-80 line 21: DAEMON_LOG= wrappercheck-80 line 22: WAIT_FOR_DAEMON_OUTPUT= wrappercheck-80 line 23: WAIT_FOR_DBUS_DAEMON= wrappercheck-80 line 25: declare -a BACKGROUND wrappercheck-80 line 26: declare -a ENV wrappercheck-80 line 28: '[' 20 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-80 line 28: '[' --daemon-log '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-80 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-80 line 31: shift wrappercheck-80 line 32: DAEMON_LOG=evolution-addressbook-factory.log wrappercheck-80 line 53: shift wrappercheck-80 line 28: '[' 18 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-80 line 28: '[' --wait-for-dbus-daemon '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-80 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-80 line 35: shift wrappercheck-80 line 36: WAIT_FOR_DBUS_DAEMON=org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook wrappercheck-80 line 53: shift wrappercheck-80 line 28: '[' 16 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-80 line 28: '[' /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-80 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-80 line 50: break wrappercheck-80 line 56: '[' 16 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-80 line 56: '[' /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-80 line 57: BACKGROUND[${#BACKGROUND[*]}]=/usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory wrappercheck-80 line 58: shift wrappercheck-80 line 56: '[' 15 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-80 line 56: '[' --keep-running '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-80 line 57: BACKGROUND[${#BACKGROUND[*]}]=--keep-running wrappercheck-80 line 58: shift wrappercheck-80 line 56: '[' 14 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-80 line 56: '[' -- '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-80 line 60: shift wrappercheck-80 line 62: '[' evolution-addressbook-factory.log ']' wrappercheck-80 line 62: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-80 line 66: set +x *** starting /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory as background daemon, output to evolution-addressbook-factory.log wrappercheck-80 line 72: BACKGROUND_PID=82 wrappercheck-80 line 73: PIDS+=82 wrappercheck-80 line 75: '[' evolution-addressbook-factory.log ']' wrappercheck-80 line 75: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-80 line 84: '[' org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook ']' wrappercheck-80 line 85: set +x *** waiting for daemon to connect to D-Bus as 'org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook' wrappercheck-80 line 70: set -x wrappercheck-80 line 70: exec wrappercheck-80 line 93: kill -0 82 wrappercheck-80 line 94: set +e wrappercheck-80 line 95: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-80 line 99: set -x wrappercheck-80 line 99: /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-calendar-factory.log /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory --keep-running -- env /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ /usr/libexec/activesyncd -- /home/nightly/testing/ davical ./syncevolution + PS4='wrappercheck-$$ line ${LINENO}: ' wrappercheck-100 line 16: PIDS= wrappercheck-100 line 18: trap '[ "" ] && kill -TERM ' TERM wrappercheck-100 line 19: trap '[ "" ] && kill -INT ' INT wrappercheck-100 line 21: DAEMON_LOG= wrappercheck-100 line 22: WAIT_FOR_DAEMON_OUTPUT= wrappercheck-100 line 23: WAIT_FOR_DBUS_DAEMON= wrappercheck-100 line 25: declare -a BACKGROUND wrappercheck-100 line 26: declare -a ENV wrappercheck-100 line 28: '[' 12 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-100 line 28: '[' --daemon-log '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-100 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-100 line 31: shift wrappercheck-100 line 32: DAEMON_LOG=evolution-calendar-factory.log wrappercheck-100 line 53: shift wrappercheck-100 line 28: '[' 10 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-100 line 28: '[' /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-100 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-100 line 50: break wrappercheck-100 line 56: '[' 10 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-100 line 56: '[' /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-100 line 57: BACKGROUND[${#BACKGROUND[*]}]=/usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory wrappercheck-100 line 58: shift wrappercheck-100 line 56: '[' 9 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-100 line 56: '[' --keep-running '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-100 line 57: BACKGROUND[${#BACKGROUND[*]}]=--keep-running wrappercheck-100 line 58: shift wrappercheck-100 line 56: '[' 8 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-100 line 56: '[' -- '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-100 line 60: shift wrappercheck-100 line 62: '[' evolution-calendar-factory.log ']' wrappercheck-100 line 62: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-100 line 66: set +x *** starting /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory as background daemon, output to evolution-calendar-factory.log wrappercheck-100 line 72: BACKGROUND_PID=102 wrappercheck-100 line 70: set -x wrappercheck-100 line 73: PIDS+=102 wrappercheck-100 line 70: exec wrappercheck-100 line 75: '[' evolution-calendar-factory.log ']' wrappercheck-100 line 75: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-100 line 84: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-100 line 93: kill -0 102 wrappercheck-100 line 94: set +e wrappercheck-100 line 95: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-100 line 99: set -x wrappercheck-100 line 99: env /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ /usr/libexec/activesyncd -- /home/nightly/testing/ davical ./syncevolution + PS4='wrappercheck-$$ line ${LINENO}: ' wrappercheck-105 line 16: PIDS= wrappercheck-105 line 18: trap '[ "" ] && kill -TERM ' TERM wrappercheck-105 line 19: trap '[ "" ] && kill -INT ' INT wrappercheck-105 line 21: DAEMON_LOG= wrappercheck-105 line 22: WAIT_FOR_DAEMON_OUTPUT= wrappercheck-105 line 23: WAIT_FOR_DBUS_DAEMON= wrappercheck-105 line 25: declare -a BACKGROUND wrappercheck-105 line 26: declare -a ENV wrappercheck-105 line 28: '[' 5 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-105 line 28: '[' /usr/libexec/activesyncd '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-105 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-105 line 50: break wrappercheck-105 line 56: '[' 5 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-105 line 56: '[' /usr/libexec/activesyncd '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-105 line 57: BACKGROUND[${#BACKGROUND[*]}]=/usr/libexec/activesyncd wrappercheck-105 line 58: shift wrappercheck-105 line 56: '[' 4 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-105 line 56: '[' -- '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-105 line 60: shift wrappercheck-105 line 62: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-105 line 66: set +x *** starting /usr/libexec/activesyncd as background daemon, output to stderr wrappercheck-105 line 72: BACKGROUND_PID=109 wrappercheck-105 line 73: PIDS+=109 wrappercheck-105 line 75: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-105 line 84: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-105 line 93: kill -0 109 wrappercheck-105 line 94: set +e wrappercheck-105 line 95: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-105 line 70: set -x wrappercheck-105 line 70: exec wrappercheck-105 line 99: set -x wrappercheck-105 line 99: /home/nightly/testing/ davical ./syncevolution + case $TEST in + rm -rf '/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/.sync4j/evolution/davical_[12]' '/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/davical_[12]' '/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-[12]/peers/davical_[12]' '/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-[12]' + for client in 1 2 + grep -q -e '[+ ]1.[0-9]' + ./syncevolution --version + config=davical_1@client-test-davical-1 ++ credentials davical_1 ++ case "$SCHROOT_CHROOT_NAME" in ++ case $1 in ++ echo '--template SyncEvolution_Client username= password= syncURL=local://@client-test-davical retryDuration=30s calendar/uri=caldav todo/uri=caldavtodo addressbook/uri=carddav' + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --configure --template davical --template SyncEvolution_Client username= password= syncURL=local://@client-test-davical retryDuration=30s calendar/uri=caldav todo/uri=caldavtodo addressbook/uri=carddav --sync-property proxyHost= --sync-property useProxy=0 --sync-property logLevel=4 davical_1@client-test-davical-1 [INFO] addressbook: checking usability... [INFO] addressbook: configuring datastore with sync mode 'two-way' [INFO] calendar: checking usability... [INFO] calendar: configuring datastore with sync mode 'two-way' [INFO] memo: checking usability... [INFO] memo: configuring datastore with sync mode 'two-way' [INFO] todo: checking usability... [INFO] todo: configuring datastore with sync mode 'two-way' + sources=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources + copy_source /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources addressbook eds_contact + path=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources + shift + source=addressbook + shift + '[' -d /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources/addressbook ']' + for i in $@ + cp -r /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources/addressbook /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources/eds_contact + copy_source /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources calendar eds_event + path=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources + shift + source=calendar + shift + '[' -d /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources/calendar ']' + for i in $@ + cp -r /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources/calendar /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources/eds_event + copy_source /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources todo eds_task + path=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources + shift + source=todo + shift + '[' -d /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources/todo ']' + for i in $@ + cp -r /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources/todo /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources/eds_task + copy_source /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources memo eds_memo + path=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources + shift + source=memo + shift + '[' -d /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources/memo ']' + for i in $@ + cp -r /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources/memo /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-1/peers/davical_1/sources/eds_memo + for i in eds_contact eds_event eds_task eds_memo + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --configure database=Test_eds_contact_1 davical_1@client-test-davical-1 eds_contact + for i in eds_contact eds_event eds_task eds_memo + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --configure database=Test_eds_event_1 davical_1@client-test-davical-1 eds_event + for i in eds_contact eds_event eds_task eds_memo + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --configure database=Test_eds_task_1 davical_1@client-test-davical-1 eds_task + for i in eds_contact eds_event eds_task eds_memo + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --configure database=Test_eds_memo_1 davical_1@client-test-davical-1 eds_memo + case $TEST in + case $TEST in + case $TEST in + ./syncevolution --configure --daemon=no databaseUser=tester2 databasePassword=testing2 davical_caldav/database=http://localhost:9009/davical/caldav.php/tester2/Test_davical_caldav_1/ davical_caldavtodo/database=http://localhost:9009/davical/caldav.php/tester2/Test_davical_caldav_1/ davical_carddav/database=http://localhost:9009/davical/caldav.php/tester2/Test_davical_carddav_1/ davical_caldav/backend=caldav davical_caldavtodo/backend=caldavtodo davical_carddav/backend=carddav davical_1@client-test-davical-1 davical_caldav davical_caldavtodo davical_carddav + for client in 1 2 + ./syncevolution --version + grep -q -e '[+ ]1.[0-9]' + config=davical_2@client-test-davical-2 ++ credentials davical_2 ++ case "$SCHROOT_CHROOT_NAME" in ++ case $1 in ++ echo '--template SyncEvolution_Client username= password= syncURL=local://@client-test-davical retryDuration=30s calendar/uri=caldav todo/uri=caldavtodo addressbook/uri=carddav' + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --configure --template davical --template SyncEvolution_Client username= password= syncURL=local://@client-test-davical retryDuration=30s calendar/uri=caldav todo/uri=caldavtodo addressbook/uri=carddav --sync-property proxyHost= --sync-property useProxy=0 --sync-property logLevel=4 davical_2@client-test-davical-2 [INFO] addressbook: checking usability... [INFO] addressbook: configuring datastore with sync mode 'two-way' [INFO] calendar: checking usability... [INFO] calendar: configuring datastore with sync mode 'two-way' [INFO] memo: checking usability... [INFO] memo: configuring datastore with sync mode 'two-way' [INFO] todo: backend failed: error code from SyncEvolution fatal error (local, status 10500): todo: opening database: Cannot invoke method; proxy is for a well-known name without an owner and proxy was constructed with the G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START flag + sources=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources + copy_source /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources addressbook eds_contact + path=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources + shift + source=addressbook + shift + '[' -d /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources/addressbook ']' + for i in $@ + cp -r /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources/addressbook /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources/eds_contact + copy_source /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources calendar eds_event + path=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources + shift + source=calendar + shift + '[' -d /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources/calendar ']' + for i in $@ + cp -r /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources/calendar /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources/eds_event + copy_source /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources todo eds_task + path=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources + shift + source=todo + shift + '[' -d /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources/todo ']' + for i in $@ + cp -r /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources/todo /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources/eds_task + copy_source /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources memo eds_memo + path=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources + shift + source=memo + shift + '[' -d /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources/memo ']' + for i in $@ + cp -r /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources/memo /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical-2/peers/davical_2/sources/eds_memo + for i in eds_contact eds_event eds_task eds_memo + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --configure database=Test_eds_contact_2 davical_2@client-test-davical-2 eds_contact + for i in eds_contact eds_event eds_task eds_memo + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --configure database=Test_eds_event_2 davical_2@client-test-davical-2 eds_event + for i in eds_contact eds_event eds_task eds_memo + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --configure database=Test_eds_task_2 davical_2@client-test-davical-2 eds_task + for i in eds_contact eds_event eds_task eds_memo + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --configure database=Test_eds_memo_2 davical_2@client-test-davical-2 eds_memo + case $TEST in + case $TEST in + case $TEST in + ./syncevolution --configure --daemon=no databaseUser=tester2 databasePassword=testing2 davical_caldav/database=http://localhost:9009/davical/caldav.php/tester2/Test_davical_caldav_2/ davical_caldavtodo/database=http://localhost:9009/davical/caldav.php/tester2/Test_davical_caldav_2/ davical_carddav/database=http://localhost:9009/davical/caldav.php/tester2/Test_davical_carddav_2/ davical_caldav/backend=caldav davical_caldavtodo/backend=caldavtodo davical_carddav/backend=carddav davical_2@client-test-davical-2 davical_caldav davical_caldavtodo davical_carddav + case $TEST in + rm -rf /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config/syncevolution/client-test-davical + ./syncevolution --configure --daemon=no proxyHost= useProxy=0 loglevel=4 syncURL=http://localhost:9009/davical/caldav.php retryDuration=2m username=test password=testing printChanges=0 dumpData=0 caldav/backend=caldav caldavtodo/backend=caldavtodo carddav/backend=carddav target-config@client-test-davical caldav caldavtodo carddav [INFO] caldav: configuring datastore with sync mode 'two-way' [INFO] caldavtodo: configuring datastore with sync mode 'two-way' [INFO] carddav: configuring datastore with sync mode 'two-way' + for i in evolution-contacts=eds_contact evolution-calendar=eds_event evolution-tasks=eds_task evolution-memos=eds_memo ++ echo evolution-contacts=eds_contact ++ sed -e 's/=.*//' + backend=evolution-contacts ++ echo evolution-contacts=eds_contact ++ sed -e 's/.*=//' + name=eds_contact + for i in 1 2 + databasename=Test_eds_contact_1 + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --print-databases backend=evolution-contacts + grep Test_eds_contact_1 Test_eds_contact_1 (1303826927.6946.21@mob-sync2) + echo evolution-contacts: Test_eds_contact_1 exists evolution-contacts: Test_eds_contact_1 exists + for i in 1 2 + databasename=Test_eds_contact_2 + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --print-databases backend=evolution-contacts + grep Test_eds_contact_2 Test_eds_contact_2 (1303827279.6946.22@mob-sync2) + echo evolution-contacts: Test_eds_contact_2 exists evolution-contacts: Test_eds_contact_2 exists + for i in evolution-contacts=eds_contact evolution-calendar=eds_event evolution-tasks=eds_task evolution-memos=eds_memo ++ echo evolution-calendar=eds_event ++ sed -e 's/=.*//' + backend=evolution-calendar ++ echo evolution-calendar=eds_event ++ sed -e 's/.*=//' + name=eds_event + for i in 1 2 + databasename=Test_eds_event_1 + grep Test_eds_event_1 + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --print-databases backend=evolution-calendar Test_eds_event_1 (1303827939.6946.27@mob-sync2) + echo evolution-calendar: Test_eds_event_1 exists evolution-calendar: Test_eds_event_1 exists + for i in 1 2 + databasename=Test_eds_event_2 + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --print-databases backend=evolution-calendar + grep Test_eds_event_2 Test_eds_event_2 (1303827982.6946.28@mob-sync2) + echo evolution-calendar: Test_eds_event_2 exists evolution-calendar: Test_eds_event_2 exists + for i in evolution-contacts=eds_contact evolution-calendar=eds_event evolution-tasks=eds_task evolution-memos=eds_memo ++ echo evolution-tasks=eds_task ++ sed -e 's/=.*//' + backend=evolution-tasks ++ echo evolution-tasks=eds_task ++ sed -e 's/.*=//' + name=eds_task + for i in 1 2 + databasename=Test_eds_task_1 + grep Test_eds_task_1 + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --print-databases backend=evolution-tasks Test_eds_task_1 (1303829357.6946.35@mob-sync2) + echo evolution-tasks: Test_eds_task_1 exists evolution-tasks: Test_eds_task_1 exists + for i in 1 2 + databasename=Test_eds_task_2 + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --print-databases backend=evolution-tasks + grep Test_eds_task_2 Test_eds_task_2 (1303829493.6946.36@mob-sync2) + echo evolution-tasks: Test_eds_task_2 exists evolution-tasks: Test_eds_task_2 exists + for i in evolution-contacts=eds_contact evolution-calendar=eds_event evolution-tasks=eds_task evolution-memos=eds_memo ++ echo evolution-memos=eds_memo ++ sed -e 's/=.*//' + backend=evolution-memos ++ echo evolution-memos=eds_memo ++ sed -e 's/.*=//' + name=eds_memo + for i in 1 2 + databasename=Test_eds_memo_1 + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --print-databases backend=evolution-memos + grep Test_eds_memo_1 Test_eds_memo_1 (1303828148.6946.31@mob-sync2) + echo evolution-memos: Test_eds_memo_1 exists evolution-memos: Test_eds_memo_1 exists + for i in 1 2 + databasename=Test_eds_memo_2 + ./syncevolution --daemon=no --print-databases backend=evolution-memos + grep Test_eds_memo_2 Test_eds_memo_2 (1303828749.6946.32@mob-sync2) + echo evolution-memos: Test_eds_memo_2 exists evolution-memos: Test_eds_memo_2 exists wrappercheck-105 line 100: RET=0 wrappercheck-105 line 101: set -e wrappercheck-105 line 107: set +x *** killing and waiting for /usr/libexec/activesyncd wrappercheck-105 line 108: kill -INT -109 wrappercheck-105 line 108: kill -TERM -109 wrappercheck-105 line 108: kill -TERM 109 wrappercheck-105 line 110: KILL_PID=349 wrappercheck-105 line 115: set +e wrappercheck-105 line 116: wait 109 wrappercheck-105 line 109: perl -e 'sleep(60); kill(9, -109);' wrappercheck-105 line 117: SUBRET=143 wrappercheck-105 line 118: case $SUBRET in wrappercheck-105 line 118: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-105 line 120: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-105 line 121: '[' 349 ']' wwrappercheck-105 line 122: LC_ALL=C wwrappercheck-105 line 122: kill -KILL 349 wrappercheck-105 line 122: msg= wrappercheck-105 line 123: echo '' wrappercheck-105 line 123: grep -q 'No such process' /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ line 130: 349 Killed perl -e "sleep(60); kill(9, -$BACKGROUND_PID);" wrappercheck-105 line 127: echo '' wrappercheck-105 line 129: wait 349 wrappercheck-105 line 131: set -e wrappercheck-105 line 132: '[' 0 = 0 ']' wrappercheck-105 line 133: RET=0 wrappercheck-105 line 136: exit 0 wrappercheck-100 line 100: RET=0 wrappercheck-100 line 101: set -e wrappercheck-100 line 107: set +x *** killing and waiting for /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory wrappercheck-100 line 108: kill -INT -102 wrappercheck-100 line 108: kill -TERM -102 wrappercheck-100 line 108: kill -TERM 102 wrappercheck-100 line 110: KILL_PID=354 wrappercheck-100 line 115: set +e wrappercheck-100 line 116: wait 102 wrappercheck-100 line 117: SUBRET=143 wrappercheck-100 line 118: case $SUBRET in wrappercheck-100 line 118: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-100 line 120: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-100 line 121: '[' 354 ']' wwrappercheck-100 line 122: LC_ALL=C wwrappercheck-100 line 122: kill -KILL 354 wrappercheck-100 line 122: msg= wrappercheck-100 line 123: echo '' wrappercheck-100 line 123: grep -q 'No such process' /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ line 130: 354 Killed perl -e "sleep(60); kill(9, -$BACKGROUND_PID);" wrappercheck-100 line 127: echo '' wrappercheck-100 line 129: wait 354 wrappercheck-100 line 131: set -e wrappercheck-100 line 132: '[' 0 = 0 ']' wrappercheck-100 line 133: RET=0 wrappercheck-100 line 136: exit 0 wrappercheck-80 line 100: RET=0 wrappercheck-80 line 101: set -e wrappercheck-80 line 107: set +x *** killing and waiting for /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory wrappercheck-80 line 108: kill -INT -82 wrappercheck-80 line 108: kill -TERM -82 wrappercheck-80 line 108: kill -TERM 82 wrappercheck-80 line 110: KILL_PID=359 wrappercheck-80 line 115: set +e wrappercheck-80 line 109: perl -e 'sleep(60); kill(9, -82);' wrappercheck-80 line 116: wait 82 wrappercheck-80 line 117: SUBRET=143 wrappercheck-80 line 118: case $SUBRET in wrappercheck-80 line 118: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-80 line 120: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-80 line 121: '[' 359 ']' wwrappercheck-80 line 122: LC_ALL=C wwrappercheck-80 line 122: kill -KILL 359 wrappercheck-80 line 122: msg= wrappercheck-80 line 123: echo '' wrappercheck-80 line 123: grep -q 'No such process' /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ line 130: 359 Killed perl -e "sleep(60); kill(9, -$BACKGROUND_PID);" wrappercheck-80 line 127: echo '' wrappercheck-80 line 129: wait 359 wrappercheck-80 line 131: set -e wrappercheck-80 line 132: '[' 0 = 0 ']' wrappercheck-80 line 133: RET=0 wrappercheck-80 line 136: exit 0 wrappercheck-24 line 100: RET=0 wrappercheck-24 line 101: set -e wrappercheck-24 line 107: set +x *** killing and waiting for /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry wrappercheck-24 line 108: kill -INT -27 wrappercheck-24 line 108: kill -TERM -27 wrappercheck-24 line 108: kill -TERM 27 wrappercheck-24 line 110: KILL_PID=364 wrappercheck-24 line 109: perl -e 'sleep(60); kill(9, -27);' wrappercheck-24 line 115: set +e wrappercheck-24 line 116: wait 27 wrappercheck-24 line 117: SUBRET=143 wrappercheck-24 line 118: case $SUBRET in wrappercheck-24 line 118: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-24 line 120: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-24 line 121: '[' 364 ']' wwrappercheck-24 line 122: LC_ALL=C wwrappercheck-24 line 122: kill -KILL 364 wrappercheck-24 line 122: msg= wrappercheck-24 line 123: echo '' wrappercheck-24 line 123: grep -q 'No such process' /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ line 130: 364 Killed perl -e "sleep(60); kill(9, -$BACKGROUND_PID);" wrappercheck-24 line 127: echo '' wrappercheck-24 line 129: wait 364 wrappercheck-24 line 131: set -e wrappercheck-24 line 132: '[' 0 = 0 ']' wrappercheck-24 line 133: RET=0 wrappercheck-24 line 136: exit 0 wrappercheck-15 line 100: RET=0 wrappercheck-15 line 101: set -e wrappercheck-15 line 107: set +x *** killing and waiting for dbus-monitor wrappercheck-15 line 108: kill -INT -17 wrappercheck-15 line 108: kill -TERM -17 wrappercheck-15 line 108: kill -TERM 17 wrappercheck-15 line 110: KILL_PID=369 wrappercheck-15 line 115: set +e wrappercheck-15 line 116: wait 17 wrappercheck-15 line 109: perl -e 'sleep(60); kill(9, -17);' wrappercheck-15 line 117: SUBRET=143 wrappercheck-15 line 118: case $SUBRET in wrappercheck-15 line 118: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-15 line 120: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-15 line 121: '[' 369 ']' wwrappercheck-15 line 122: LC_ALL=C wwrappercheck-15 line 122: kill -KILL 369 wrappercheck-15 line 122: msg= wrappercheck-15 line 123: echo '' wrappercheck-15 line 123: grep -q 'No such process' /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ line 130: 369 Killed perl -e "sleep(60); kill(9, -$BACKGROUND_PID);" wrappercheck-15 line 127: echo '' wrappercheck-15 line 129: wait 369 wrappercheck-15 line 131: set -e wrappercheck-15 line 132: '[' 0 = 0 ']' wrappercheck-15 line 133: RET=0 wrappercheck-15 line 136: exit 0 program returned 0 final result 0 1: killing keyring pid 14 1: killing system bus daemon 4 1: killing session bus daemon 8 1: removing XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/tmp.Y7jgQf8YfW Fri Jan 5 15:34:07 2018 UTC (+ 15.4s / 180.2s) === cleaning up === Fri Jan 5 15:34:07 2018 UTC (+ 180.3s / 292.2s) *** ( cd /data/schroot/2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/tests/davical; export 'PATH=/home/nightly/bin:/home/nightly/testing:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/nightly/testing:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/nightly/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin' 'HOME=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical' 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/config' 'XDG_DATA_HOME=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/data' 'XDG_CACHE_HOME=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/home/davical/cache'; unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH; /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ -j 1 -r davical -- env VALGRIND_LEAK_CHECK_SKIP=akonadi_control, VALGRIND_LEAK_CHECK_ONLY_FIRST=1 'VALGRIND_ARGS=--show-possibly-lost=no --suppressions=/data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/sys.supp --suppressions=/data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/evo.supp --num-callers=30 --trace-children=yes --trace-children-skip=*synclog2html,*synccompare*,*akonadi_*resource,*akonadi_*agent,*akonadi_*feeder,*akonadiserver*,/bin/ls,/bin/sed,/bin/cp,/bin/rm,/usr/bin/kdeinit4,/usr/bin/perl,*/modify-remote,*/modify-local,*/mktemp,*/nslookup,*/host,*/adnshost,*/grep --suppressions=/data/runtests/work/sources/activesyncd/sys.supp' VALGRIND_LOG= http_proxy= CLIENT_TEST_SERVER=davical CLIENT_TEST_SOURCES=davical_caldav,davical_caldavtodo,davical_carddav,eds_event,eds_task,eds_contact SYNC_EVOLUTION_EVO_CALENDAR_DELAY=1 CLIENT_TEST_ALARM=1200 'CLIENT_TEST_WEBDAV=davical caldav caldavtodo carddav' CLIENT_TEST_NUM_ITEMS=10 CLIENT_TEST_SIMPLE_UID=1 CLIENT_TEST_MODE=server CLIENT_TEST_LOG= CLIENT_TEST_EVOLUTION_PREFIX=Test_ schroot -d /data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/tests/davical -r -p -c 2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64 -- env DBUS_SESSION_SH_SYSTEM_BUS=1 /unshare --pid --mount-proc --fork -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log dbus-monitor.log dbus-monitor interface=org.freedesktop.DBus -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-source-registry.log --daemon-sleep 5 --wait-for-dbus-daemon org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Sources /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-addressbook-factory.log --wait-for-dbus-daemon org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory --keep-running -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-calendar-factory.log /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory --keep-running -- env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=build-synthesis/src/.libs:.libs:syncevo/.libs:gdbus/.libs:gdbusxx/.libs: PATH=backends/webdav:.:$PATH: /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ ./client-test Client::Source::davical_caldav::testImport Client::Source::davical_caldav::testLinkedSources Client::Source::davical_caldavtodo::testImport Client::Source::davical_carddav::testImport Client::Sync::eds_event::testItems Client::Sync::eds_task::testItems Client::Sync::eds_contact::testItems ) Fri Jan 5 15:34:07 2018 UTC (+ 0.0s / 0.0s) === locking resource(s) ['davical'] === Fri Jan 5 15:51:47 2018 UTC (+ 1060.2s / 1060.2s) property changed: status = acquired Fri Jan 5 15:51:47 2018 UTC (+ 0.0s / 1060.2s) using jobserver Fri Jan 5 15:51:47 2018 UTC (+ 0.0s / 1060.2s) === allocating 1 job slot(s) === Fri Jan 5 15:57:28 2018 UTC (+ 341.2s / 1401.4s) === allocated 1 job slot(s) === W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-release-eas-testing-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-release-eas-stretch-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-xenial-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-clang-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-xenial-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-downstream-xenial-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-testing-amd64] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-release-eas-stretch-i386] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-i386] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-xenial-i386] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-downstream-unstable] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-downstream-testing] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. W: line 4 [2018-01-05-07-10-all-release-eas-testing-i386] custom-session-purgeable: Configuration key name ‘custom-session-purgeable’ is not a permitted name. I: [2018-01-05-07-10-all-prebuilt-testing-amd64 chroot] Running command: “env DBUS_SESSION_SH_SYSTEM_BUS=1 /unshare --pid --mount-proc --fork -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log dbus-monitor.log dbus-monitor interface=org.freedesktop.DBus -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-source-registry.log --daemon-sleep 5 --wait-for-dbus-daemon org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Sources /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-addressbook-factory.log --wait-for-dbus-daemon org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory --keep-running -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-calendar-factory.log /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory --keep-running -- env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=build-synthesis/src/.libs:.libs:syncevo/.libs:gdbus/.libs:gdbusxx/.libs: PATH=backends/webdav:.:/home/nightly/bin:/home/nightly/testing:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/nightly/testing:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/nightly/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin: /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ ./client-test Client::Source::davical_caldav::testImport Client::Source::davical_caldav::testLinkedSources Client::Source::davical_caldavtodo::testImport Client::Source::davical_carddav::testImport Client::Sync::eds_event::testItems Client::Sync::eds_task::testItems Client::Sync::eds_contact::testItems” gnome-keyring-daemon: insufficient process capabilities, unsecure memory might get used ** Message: couldn't access control socket: /tmp/tmp.LhFeeRsDYV/keyring/control: No such file or directory + PS4='wrappercheck-$$ line ${LINENO}: ' wrappercheck-21 line 16: PIDS= wrappercheck-21 line 18: trap '[ "" ] && kill -TERM ' TERM wrappercheck-21 line 19: trap '[ "" ] && kill -INT ' INT wrappercheck-21 line 21: DAEMON_LOG= wrappercheck-21 line 22: WAIT_FOR_DAEMON_OUTPUT= wrappercheck-21 line 23: WAIT_FOR_DBUS_DAEMON= wrappercheck-21 line 25: declare -a BACKGROUND wrappercheck-21 line 26: declare -a ENV wrappercheck-21 line 28: '[' 40 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-21 line 28: '[' --daemon-log '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-21 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-21 line 31: shift wrappercheck-21 line 32: DAEMON_LOG=dbus-monitor.log wrappercheck-21 line 53: shift wrappercheck-21 line 28: '[' 38 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-21 line 28: '[' dbus-monitor '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-21 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-21 line 50: break wrappercheck-21 line 56: '[' 38 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-21 line 56: '[' dbus-monitor '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-21 line 57: BACKGROUND[${#BACKGROUND[*]}]=dbus-monitor wrappercheck-21 line 58: shift wrappercheck-21 line 56: '[' 37 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-21 line 56: '[' interface=org.freedesktop.DBus '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-21 line 57: BACKGROUND[${#BACKGROUND[*]}]=interface=org.freedesktop.DBus wrappercheck-21 line 58: shift wrappercheck-21 line 56: '[' 36 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-21 line 56: '[' -- '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-21 line 60: shift wrappercheck-21 line 62: '[' dbus-monitor.log ']' wrappercheck-21 line 62: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-21 line 66: set +x *** starting dbus-monitor as background daemon, output to dbus-monitor.log wrappercheck-21 line 72: BACKGROUND_PID=23 wrappercheck-21 line 73: PIDS+=23 wrappercheck-21 line 75: '[' dbus-monitor.log ']' wrappercheck-21 line 75: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-21 line 84: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-21 line 93: kill -0 23 wrappercheck-21 line 94: set +e wrappercheck-21 line 95: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-21 line 99: set -x wrappercheck-21 line 99: /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-source-registry.log --daemon-sleep 5 --wait-for-dbus-daemon org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Sources /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-addressbook-factory.log --wait-for-dbus-daemon org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory --keep-running -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-calendar-factory.log /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory --keep-running -- env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=build-synthesis/src/.libs:.libs:syncevo/.libs:gdbus/.libs:gdbusxx/.libs: PATH=backends/webdav:.:/home/nightly/bin:/home/nightly/testing:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/nightly/testing:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/nightly/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin: /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ ./client-test Client::Source::davical_caldav::testImport Client::Source::davical_caldav::testLinkedSources Client::Source::davical_caldavtodo::testImport Client::Source::davical_carddav::testImport Client::Sync::eds_event::testItems Client::Sync::eds_task::testItems Client::Sync::eds_contact::testItems wrappercheck-21 line 70: set -x wrappercheck-21 line 70: exec + PS4='wrappercheck-$$ line ${LINENO}: ' wrappercheck-25 line 16: PIDS= wrappercheck-25 line 18: trap '[ "" ] && kill -TERM ' TERM wrappercheck-25 line 19: trap '[ "" ] && kill -INT ' INT wrappercheck-25 line 21: DAEMON_LOG= wrappercheck-25 line 22: WAIT_FOR_DAEMON_OUTPUT= wrappercheck-25 line 23: WAIT_FOR_DBUS_DAEMON= wrappercheck-25 line 25: declare -a BACKGROUND wrappercheck-25 line 26: declare -a ENV wrappercheck-25 line 28: '[' 34 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-25 line 28: '[' --daemon-log '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-25 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-25 line 31: shift wrappercheck-25 line 32: DAEMON_LOG=evolution-source-registry.log wrappercheck-25 line 53: shift wrappercheck-25 line 28: '[' 32 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-25 line 28: '[' --daemon-sleep '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-25 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-25 line 43: shift wrappercheck-25 line 44: DAEMON_SLEEP=5 wrappercheck-25 line 53: shift wrappercheck-25 line 28: '[' 30 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-25 line 28: '[' --wait-for-dbus-daemon '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-25 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-25 line 35: shift wrappercheck-25 line 36: WAIT_FOR_DBUS_DAEMON=org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Sources wrappercheck-25 line 53: shift wrappercheck-25 line 28: '[' 28 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-25 line 28: '[' /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-25 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-25 line 50: break wrappercheck-25 line 56: '[' 28 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-25 line 56: '[' /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-25 line 57: BACKGROUND[${#BACKGROUND[*]}]=/usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry wrappercheck-25 line 58: shift wrappercheck-25 line 56: '[' 27 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-25 line 56: '[' -- '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-25 line 60: shift wrappercheck-25 line 62: '[' evolution-source-registry.log ']' wrappercheck-25 line 62: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-25 line 66: set +x *** starting /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry as background daemon, output to evolution-source-registry.log wrappercheck-25 line 72: BACKGROUND_PID=28 wrappercheck-25 line 73: PIDS+=28 wrappercheck-25 line 75: '[' evolution-source-registry.log ']' wrappercheck-25 line 75: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-25 line 84: '[' org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Sources ']' wrappercheck-25 line 85: set +x *** waiting for daemon to connect to D-Bus as 'org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Sources' wrappercheck-25 line 70: set -x wrappercheck-25 line 70: exec wrappercheck-25 line 93: kill -0 28 wrappercheck-25 line 94: set +e wrappercheck-25 line 95: '[' 5 ']' wrappercheck-25 line 96: set +x *** 'sleep 5' for daemon to settle down wrappercheck-25 line 97: sleep 5 wrappercheck-25 line 99: set -x wrappercheck-25 line 99: /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-addressbook-factory.log --wait-for-dbus-daemon org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory --keep-running -- /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-calendar-factory.log /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory --keep-running -- env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=build-synthesis/src/.libs:.libs:syncevo/.libs:gdbus/.libs:gdbusxx/.libs: PATH=backends/webdav:.:/home/nightly/bin:/home/nightly/testing:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/nightly/testing:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/nightly/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin: /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ ./client-test Client::Source::davical_caldav::testImport Client::Source::davical_caldav::testLinkedSources Client::Source::davical_caldavtodo::testImport Client::Source::davical_carddav::testImport Client::Sync::eds_event::testItems Client::Sync::eds_task::testItems Client::Sync::eds_contact::testItems + PS4='wrappercheck-$$ line ${LINENO}: ' wrappercheck-82 line 16: PIDS= wrappercheck-82 line 18: trap '[ "" ] && kill -TERM ' TERM wrappercheck-82 line 19: trap '[ "" ] && kill -INT ' INT wrappercheck-82 line 21: DAEMON_LOG= wrappercheck-82 line 22: WAIT_FOR_DAEMON_OUTPUT= wrappercheck-82 line 23: WAIT_FOR_DBUS_DAEMON= wrappercheck-82 line 25: declare -a BACKGROUND wrappercheck-82 line 26: declare -a ENV wrappercheck-82 line 28: '[' 25 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-82 line 28: '[' --daemon-log '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-82 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-82 line 31: shift wrappercheck-82 line 32: DAEMON_LOG=evolution-addressbook-factory.log wrappercheck-82 line 53: shift wrappercheck-82 line 28: '[' 23 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-82 line 28: '[' --wait-for-dbus-daemon '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-82 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-82 line 35: shift wrappercheck-82 line 36: WAIT_FOR_DBUS_DAEMON=org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook wrappercheck-82 line 53: shift wrappercheck-82 line 28: '[' 21 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-82 line 28: '[' /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-82 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-82 line 50: break wrappercheck-82 line 56: '[' 21 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-82 line 56: '[' /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-82 line 57: BACKGROUND[${#BACKGROUND[*]}]=/usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory wrappercheck-82 line 58: shift wrappercheck-82 line 56: '[' 20 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-82 line 56: '[' --keep-running '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-82 line 57: BACKGROUND[${#BACKGROUND[*]}]=--keep-running wrappercheck-82 line 58: shift wrappercheck-82 line 56: '[' 19 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-82 line 56: '[' -- '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-82 line 60: shift wrappercheck-82 line 62: '[' evolution-addressbook-factory.log ']' wrappercheck-82 line 62: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-82 line 66: set +x *** starting /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory as background daemon, output to evolution-addressbook-factory.log wrappercheck-82 line 72: BACKGROUND_PID=84 wrappercheck-82 line 73: PIDS+=84 wrappercheck-82 line 75: '[' evolution-addressbook-factory.log ']' wrappercheck-82 line 75: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-82 line 84: '[' org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook ']' wrappercheck-82 line 85: set +x *** waiting for daemon to connect to D-Bus as 'org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook' wrappercheck-82 line 70: set -x wrappercheck-82 line 70: exec wrappercheck-82 line 93: kill -0 84 wrappercheck-82 line 94: set +e wrappercheck-82 line 95: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-82 line 99: set -x wrappercheck-82 line 99: /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ --daemon-log evolution-calendar-factory.log /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory --keep-running -- env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=build-synthesis/src/.libs:.libs:syncevo/.libs:gdbus/.libs:gdbusxx/.libs: PATH=backends/webdav:.:/home/nightly/bin:/home/nightly/testing:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/nightly/testing:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/nightly/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin: /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ ./client-test Client::Source::davical_caldav::testImport Client::Source::davical_caldav::testLinkedSources Client::Source::davical_caldavtodo::testImport Client::Source::davical_carddav::testImport Client::Sync::eds_event::testItems Client::Sync::eds_task::testItems Client::Sync::eds_contact::testItems + PS4='wrappercheck-$$ line ${LINENO}: ' wrappercheck-102 line 16: PIDS= wrappercheck-102 line 18: trap '[ "" ] && kill -TERM ' TERM wrappercheck-102 line 19: trap '[ "" ] && kill -INT ' INT wrappercheck-102 line 21: DAEMON_LOG= wrappercheck-102 line 22: WAIT_FOR_DAEMON_OUTPUT= wrappercheck-102 line 23: WAIT_FOR_DBUS_DAEMON= wrappercheck-102 line 25: declare -a BACKGROUND wrappercheck-102 line 26: declare -a ENV wrappercheck-102 line 28: '[' 17 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-102 line 28: '[' --daemon-log '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-102 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-102 line 31: shift wrappercheck-102 line 32: DAEMON_LOG=evolution-calendar-factory.log wrappercheck-102 line 53: shift wrappercheck-102 line 28: '[' 15 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-102 line 28: '[' /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-102 line 29: case "$1" in wrappercheck-102 line 50: break wrappercheck-102 line 56: '[' 15 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-102 line 56: '[' /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-102 line 57: BACKGROUND[${#BACKGROUND[*]}]=/usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory wrappercheck-102 line 58: shift wrappercheck-102 line 56: '[' 14 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-102 line 56: '[' --keep-running '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-102 line 57: BACKGROUND[${#BACKGROUND[*]}]=--keep-running wrappercheck-102 line 58: shift wrappercheck-102 line 56: '[' 13 -gt 1 ']' wrappercheck-102 line 56: '[' -- '!=' -- ']' wrappercheck-102 line 60: shift wrappercheck-102 line 62: '[' evolution-calendar-factory.log ']' wrappercheck-102 line 62: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-102 line 66: set +x *** starting /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory as background daemon, output to evolution-calendar-factory.log wrappercheck-102 line 72: BACKGROUND_PID=104 wrappercheck-102 line 73: PIDS+=104 wrappercheck-102 line 75: '[' evolution-calendar-factory.log ']' wrappercheck-102 line 75: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-102 line 84: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-102 line 93: kill -0 104 wrappercheck-102 line 94: set +e wrappercheck-102 line 95: '[' '' ']' wrappercheck-102 line 70: set -x wrappercheck-102 line 70: exec wrappercheck-102 line 99: set -x wrappercheck-102 line 99: env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=build-synthesis/src/.libs:.libs:syncevo/.libs:gdbus/.libs:gdbusxx/.libs: PATH=backends/webdav:.:/home/nightly/bin:/home/nightly/testing:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/nightly/testing:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/nightly/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin: /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ ./client-test Client::Source::davical_caldav::testImport Client::Source::davical_caldav::testLinkedSources Client::Source::davical_caldavtodo::testImport Client::Source::davical_carddav::testImport Client::Sync::eds_event::testItems Client::Sync::eds_task::testItems Client::Sync::eds_contact::testItems *** starting ./client-test under valgrind, output to stdout + [ ] + exec env GLIBCXX_FORCE_NEW=1 G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly valgrind --show-possibly-lost=no --suppressions=/data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/sys.supp --suppressions=/data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/evo.supp --num-callers=30 --trace-children=yes --trace-children-skip=*synclog2html,*synccompare*,*akonadi_*resource,*akonadi_*agent,*akonadi_*feeder,*akonadiserver*,/bin/ls,/bin/sed,/bin/cp,/bin/rm,/usr/bin/kdeinit4,/usr/bin/perl,*/modify-remote,*/modify-local,*/mktemp,*/nslookup,*/host,*/adnshost,*/grep --suppressions=/data/runtests/work/sources/activesyncd/sys.supp --gen-suppressions=all --log-file=/data/runtests/work/prebuilt-testing-amd64/tests/davical/valgrind.p107.c%p.out ./client-test Client::Source::davical_caldav::testImport Client::Source::davical_caldav::testLinkedSources Client::Source::davical_caldavtodo::testImport Client::Source::davical_carddav::testImport Client::Sync::eds_event::testItems Client::Sync::eds_task::testItems Client::Sync::eds_contact::testItems Client::Source::davical_caldav::testLinkedSources okay sess: Destroying session. Client::Source::davical_caldav::testImport okay sess: Destroying session. Client::Source::davical_caldavtodo::testImport okay sess: Destroying session. Client::Source::davical_carddav::testImport okay sess: Destroying session. Client::Sync::eds_event::testItems okay Client::Sync::eds_task::testItems okay Client::Sync::eds_contact::testItems okay OKvalgrindcheck (107): './client-test Client::Source::davical_caldav::testImport Client::Source::davical_caldav::testLinkedSources Client::Source::davical_caldavtodo::testImport Client::Source::davical_carddav::testImport Client::Sync::eds_event::testItems Client::Sync::eds_task::testItems Client::Sync::eds_contact::testItems' (111): returned 0 ==111== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==111== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==111== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==111== Command: ./client-test Client::Source::davical_caldav::testImport Client::Source::davical_caldav::testLinkedSources Client::Source::davical_caldavtodo::testImport Client::Source::davical_carddav::testImport Client::Sync::eds_event::testItems Client::Sync::eds_task::testItems Client::Sync::eds_contact::testItems ==111== Parent PID: 107 ==111== ==111== ==111== HEAP SUMMARY: ==111== in use at exit: 521,145 bytes in 5,299 blocks ==111== total heap usage: 144,747 allocs, 139,395 frees, 17,958,504 bytes allocated ==111== ==111== LEAK SUMMARY: ==111== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==111== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==111== possibly lost: 960 bytes in 3 blocks ==111== still reachable: 236,789 bytes in 934 blocks ==111== of which reachable via heuristic: ==111== length64 : 1,032 bytes in 18 blocks ==111== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==111== suppressed: 271,876 bytes in 4,278 blocks ==111== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==111== ==111== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==111== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==122== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==122== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==122== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==122== Command: ./client-test Client::Source::davical_caldav::testLinkedSources ==122== Parent PID: 111 ==122== ==122== ==122== HEAP SUMMARY: ==122== in use at exit: 688,161 bytes in 6,003 blocks ==122== total heap usage: 401,067 allocs, 394,979 frees, 54,803,347 bytes allocated ==122== ==122== LEAK SUMMARY: ==122== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==122== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==122== possibly lost: 1,392 bytes in 4 blocks ==122== still reachable: 403,345 bytes in 1,631 blocks ==122== of which reachable via heuristic: ==122== length64 : 1,032 bytes in 18 blocks ==122== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==122== suppressed: 271,904 bytes in 4,284 blocks ==122== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==122== ==122== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==122== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==126== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==126== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==126== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==126== Command: ./client-test Client::Source::davical_caldav::testImport ==126== Parent PID: 111 ==126== ==126== ==126== HEAP SUMMARY: ==126== in use at exit: 685,041 bytes in 5,989 blocks ==126== total heap usage: 189,648 allocs, 183,602 frees, 30,000,258 bytes allocated ==126== ==126== LEAK SUMMARY: ==126== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==126== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==126== possibly lost: 1,392 bytes in 4 blocks ==126== still reachable: 400,273 bytes in 1,619 blocks ==126== of which reachable via heuristic: ==126== length64 : 1,032 bytes in 18 blocks ==126== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==126== suppressed: 271,856 bytes in 4,282 blocks ==126== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==126== ==126== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==126== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==130== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==130== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==130== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==130== Command: ./client-test Client::Source::davical_caldav::testImport ==130== Parent PID: 126 ==130== ==138== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==138== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==138== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==138== Command: ./client-test Client::Source::davical_caldavtodo::testImport ==138== Parent PID: 111 ==138== ==138== ==138== HEAP SUMMARY: ==138== in use at exit: 525,167 bytes in 5,330 blocks ==138== total heap usage: 143,045 allocs, 137,658 frees, 17,422,687 bytes allocated ==138== ==138== LEAK SUMMARY: ==138== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==138== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==138== possibly lost: 1,392 bytes in 4 blocks ==138== still reachable: 240,347 bytes in 959 blocks ==138== of which reachable via heuristic: ==138== length64 : 1,032 bytes in 18 blocks ==138== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==138== suppressed: 271,908 bytes in 4,283 blocks ==138== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==138== ==138== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==138== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==142== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==142== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==142== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==142== Command: ./client-test Client::Source::davical_caldavtodo::testImport ==142== Parent PID: 138 ==142== ==150== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==150== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==150== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==150== Command: ./client-test Client::Source::davical_carddav::testImport ==150== Parent PID: 111 ==150== ==150== ==150== HEAP SUMMARY: ==150== in use at exit: 525,239 bytes in 5,332 blocks ==150== total heap usage: 204,068 allocs, 198,679 frees, 35,232,565 bytes allocated ==150== ==150== LEAK SUMMARY: ==150== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==150== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==150== possibly lost: 1,392 bytes in 4 blocks ==150== still reachable: 240,347 bytes in 959 blocks ==150== of which reachable via heuristic: ==150== length64 : 1,032 bytes in 18 blocks ==150== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==150== suppressed: 271,980 bytes in 4,285 blocks ==150== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==150== ==150== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==150== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==154== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==154== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==154== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==154== Command: ./client-test Client::Source::davical_carddav::testImport ==154== Parent PID: 150 ==154== ==162== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==162== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==162== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==162== Command: ./client-test Client::Sync::eds_event::testItems ==162== Parent PID: 111 ==162== ==162== ==162== HEAP SUMMARY: ==162== in use at exit: 3,053,238 bytes in 30,264 blocks ==162== total heap usage: 2,157,572 allocs, 2,127,251 frees, 222,007,389 bytes allocated ==162== ==162== LEAK SUMMARY: ==162== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==162== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==162== possibly lost: 1,392 bytes in 4 blocks ==162== still reachable: 2,407,017 bytes in 21,815 blocks ==162== of which reachable via heuristic: ==162== length64 : 5,120 bytes in 80 blocks ==162== newarray : 6,312 bytes in 49 blocks ==162== suppressed: 574,733 bytes in 7,913 blocks ==162== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==162== ==162== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==162== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==193== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==193== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==193== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==193== Command: /usr/libexec/syncevo-local-sync ==193== Parent PID: 162 ==193== ==193== ==193== HEAP SUMMARY: ==193== in use at exit: 2,739,637 bytes in 25,938 blocks ==193== total heap usage: 398,130 allocs, 372,192 frees, 48,585,668 bytes allocated ==193== ==193== LEAK SUMMARY: ==193== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==193== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==193== possibly lost: 528 bytes in 2 blocks ==193== still reachable: 2,478,349 bytes in 21,905 blocks ==193== of which reachable via heuristic: ==193== stdstring : 45 bytes in 1 blocks ==193== length64 : 592 bytes in 10 blocks ==193== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==193== suppressed: 253,648 bytes in 3,975 blocks ==193== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==193== ==193== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==193== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==209== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==209== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==209== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==209== Command: /usr/libexec/syncevo-local-sync ==209== Parent PID: 162 ==209== ==209== ==209== HEAP SUMMARY: ==209== in use at exit: 2,701,949 bytes in 25,789 blocks ==209== total heap usage: 301,032 allocs, 275,243 frees, 40,240,578 bytes allocated ==209== ==209== LEAK SUMMARY: ==209== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==209== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==209== possibly lost: 528 bytes in 2 blocks ==209== still reachable: 2,440,717 bytes in 21,758 blocks ==209== of which reachable via heuristic: ==209== stdstring : 45 bytes in 1 blocks ==209== length64 : 592 bytes in 10 blocks ==209== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==209== suppressed: 253,592 bytes in 3,973 blocks ==209== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==209== ==209== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==209== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==235== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==235== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==235== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==235== Command: ./client-test Client::Sync::eds_event::testItems ==235== Parent PID: 162 ==235== ==243== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==243== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==243== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==243== Command: /usr/libexec/syncevo-local-sync ==243== Parent PID: 162 ==243== ==243== ==243== HEAP SUMMARY: ==243== in use at exit: 2,660,445 bytes in 25,704 blocks ==243== total heap usage: 480,508 allocs, 454,804 frees, 54,999,291 bytes allocated ==243== ==243== LEAK SUMMARY: ==243== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==243== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==243== possibly lost: 528 bytes in 2 blocks ==243== still reachable: 2,399,205 bytes in 21,673 blocks ==243== of which reachable via heuristic: ==243== stdstring : 45 bytes in 1 blocks ==243== length64 : 592 bytes in 10 blocks ==243== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==243== suppressed: 253,600 bytes in 3,973 blocks ==243== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==243== ==243== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==243== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==251== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==251== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==251== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==251== Command: /usr/libexec/syncevo-local-sync ==251== Parent PID: 162 ==251== ==251== ==251== HEAP SUMMARY: ==251== in use at exit: 2,739,621 bytes in 25,938 blocks ==251== total heap usage: 386,440 allocs, 360,502 frees, 47,584,017 bytes allocated ==251== ==251== LEAK SUMMARY: ==251== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==251== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==251== possibly lost: 528 bytes in 2 blocks ==251== still reachable: 2,478,349 bytes in 21,905 blocks ==251== of which reachable via heuristic: ==251== stdstring : 45 bytes in 1 blocks ==251== length64 : 592 bytes in 10 blocks ==251== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==251== suppressed: 253,632 bytes in 3,975 blocks ==251== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==251== ==251== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==251== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==272== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==272== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==272== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==272== Command: ./client-test Client::Sync::eds_event::testItems ==272== Parent PID: 162 ==272== ==277== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==277== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==277== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==277== Command: ./client-test Client::Sync::eds_task::testItems ==277== Parent PID: 111 ==277== ==277== ==277== HEAP SUMMARY: ==277== in use at exit: 3,054,731 bytes in 30,287 blocks ==277== total heap usage: 1,490,603 allocs, 1,460,259 frees, 165,879,514 bytes allocated ==277== ==277== LEAK SUMMARY: ==277== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==277== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==277== possibly lost: 1,392 bytes in 4 blocks ==277== still reachable: 2,406,793 bytes in 21,811 blocks ==277== of which reachable via heuristic: ==277== length64 : 5,120 bytes in 80 blocks ==277== newarray : 6,312 bytes in 49 blocks ==277== suppressed: 576,450 bytes in 7,940 blocks ==277== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==277== ==277== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==277== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==309== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==309== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==309== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==309== Command: /usr/libexec/syncevo-local-sync ==309== Parent PID: 277 ==309== ==309== ==309== HEAP SUMMARY: ==309== in use at exit: 2,660,501 bytes in 25,706 blocks ==309== total heap usage: 281,832 allocs, 256,126 frees, 38,888,950 bytes allocated ==309== ==309== LEAK SUMMARY: ==309== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==309== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==309== possibly lost: 528 bytes in 2 blocks ==309== still reachable: 2,399,205 bytes in 21,673 blocks ==309== of which reachable via heuristic: ==309== stdstring : 45 bytes in 1 blocks ==309== length64 : 592 bytes in 10 blocks ==309== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==309== suppressed: 253,656 bytes in 3,975 blocks ==309== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==309== ==309== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==309== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==351== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==351== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==351== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==351== Command: /usr/libexec/syncevo-local-sync ==351== Parent PID: 277 ==351== ==351== ==351== HEAP SUMMARY: ==351== in use at exit: 2,660,453 bytes in 25,704 blocks ==351== total heap usage: 266,181 allocs, 240,477 frees, 37,449,979 bytes allocated ==351== ==351== LEAK SUMMARY: ==351== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==351== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==351== possibly lost: 528 bytes in 2 blocks ==351== still reachable: 2,399,205 bytes in 21,673 blocks ==351== of which reachable via heuristic: ==351== stdstring : 45 bytes in 1 blocks ==351== length64 : 592 bytes in 10 blocks ==351== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==351== suppressed: 253,608 bytes in 3,973 blocks ==351== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==351== ==351== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==351== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==417== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==417== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==417== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==417== Command: ./client-test Client::Sync::eds_task::testItems ==417== Parent PID: 277 ==417== ==425== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==425== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==425== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==425== Command: /usr/libexec/syncevo-local-sync ==425== Parent PID: 277 ==425== ==425== ==425== HEAP SUMMARY: ==425== in use at exit: 2,660,429 bytes in 25,704 blocks ==425== total heap usage: 274,962 allocs, 249,258 frees, 38,196,761 bytes allocated ==425== ==425== LEAK SUMMARY: ==425== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==425== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==425== possibly lost: 528 bytes in 2 blocks ==425== still reachable: 2,399,205 bytes in 21,673 blocks ==425== of which reachable via heuristic: ==425== stdstring : 45 bytes in 1 blocks ==425== length64 : 592 bytes in 10 blocks ==425== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==425== suppressed: 253,584 bytes in 3,973 blocks ==425== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==425== ==425== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==425== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==441== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==441== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==441== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==441== Command: /usr/libexec/syncevo-local-sync ==441== Parent PID: 277 ==441== ==441== ==441== HEAP SUMMARY: ==441== in use at exit: 2,660,437 bytes in 25,704 blocks ==441== total heap usage: 272,438 allocs, 246,734 frees, 37,941,792 bytes allocated ==441== ==441== LEAK SUMMARY: ==441== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==441== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==441== possibly lost: 528 bytes in 2 blocks ==441== still reachable: 2,399,205 bytes in 21,673 blocks ==441== of which reachable via heuristic: ==441== stdstring : 45 bytes in 1 blocks ==441== length64 : 592 bytes in 10 blocks ==441== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==441== suppressed: 253,592 bytes in 3,973 blocks ==441== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==441== ==441== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==441== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==479== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==479== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==479== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==479== Command: ./client-test Client::Sync::eds_task::testItems ==479== Parent PID: 277 ==479== ==483== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==483== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==483== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==483== Command: ./client-test Client::Sync::eds_contact::testItems ==483== Parent PID: 111 ==483== ==483== ==483== HEAP SUMMARY: ==483== in use at exit: 3,101,315 bytes in 30,587 blocks ==483== total heap usage: 2,156,166 allocs, 2,125,522 frees, 225,857,512 bytes allocated ==483== ==483== LEAK SUMMARY: ==483== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==483== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==483== possibly lost: 1,824 bytes in 5 blocks ==483== still reachable: 2,482,776 bytes in 21,832 blocks ==483== of which reachable via heuristic: ==483== length64 : 5,096 bytes in 80 blocks ==483== newarray : 6,296 bytes in 48 blocks ==483== suppressed: 526,771 bytes in 8,093 blocks ==483== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==483== ==483== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==483== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==509== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==509== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==509== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==509== Command: /usr/libexec/syncevo-local-sync ==509== Parent PID: 483 ==509== ==509== ==509== HEAP SUMMARY: ==509== in use at exit: 2,660,429 bytes in 25,704 blocks ==509== total heap usage: 625,693 allocs, 599,989 frees, 67,159,554 bytes allocated ==509== ==509== LEAK SUMMARY: ==509== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==509== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==509== possibly lost: 528 bytes in 2 blocks ==509== still reachable: 2,399,205 bytes in 21,673 blocks ==509== of which reachable via heuristic: ==509== stdstring : 45 bytes in 1 blocks ==509== length64 : 592 bytes in 10 blocks ==509== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==509== suppressed: 253,584 bytes in 3,973 blocks ==509== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==509== ==509== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==509== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==527== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==527== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==527== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==527== Command: /usr/libexec/syncevo-local-sync ==527== Parent PID: 483 ==527== ==527== ==527== HEAP SUMMARY: ==527== in use at exit: 2,660,429 bytes in 25,704 blocks ==527== total heap usage: 300,488 allocs, 274,784 frees, 40,471,919 bytes allocated ==527== ==527== LEAK SUMMARY: ==527== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==527== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==527== possibly lost: 528 bytes in 2 blocks ==527== still reachable: 2,399,205 bytes in 21,673 blocks ==527== of which reachable via heuristic: ==527== stdstring : 45 bytes in 1 blocks ==527== length64 : 592 bytes in 10 blocks ==527== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==527== suppressed: 253,584 bytes in 3,973 blocks ==527== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==527== ==527== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==527== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==556== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==556== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==556== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==556== Command: ./client-test Client::Sync::eds_contact::testItems ==556== Parent PID: 483 ==556== ==564== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==564== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==564== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==564== Command: /usr/libexec/syncevo-local-sync ==564== Parent PID: 483 ==564== ==564== ==564== HEAP SUMMARY: ==564== in use at exit: 2,660,501 bytes in 25,706 blocks ==564== total heap usage: 583,300 allocs, 557,594 frees, 63,830,315 bytes allocated ==564== ==564== LEAK SUMMARY: ==564== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==564== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==564== possibly lost: 528 bytes in 2 blocks ==564== still reachable: 2,399,205 bytes in 21,673 blocks ==564== of which reachable via heuristic: ==564== stdstring : 45 bytes in 1 blocks ==564== length64 : 592 bytes in 10 blocks ==564== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==564== suppressed: 253,656 bytes in 3,975 blocks ==564== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==564== ==564== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==564== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==573== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==573== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==573== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==573== Command: /usr/libexec/syncevo-local-sync ==573== Parent PID: 483 ==573== ==573== ==573== HEAP SUMMARY: ==573== in use at exit: 2,660,437 bytes in 25,704 blocks ==573== total heap usage: 620,048 allocs, 594,344 frees, 66,446,554 bytes allocated ==573== ==573== LEAK SUMMARY: ==573== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==573== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==573== possibly lost: 528 bytes in 2 blocks ==573== still reachable: 2,399,205 bytes in 21,673 blocks ==573== of which reachable via heuristic: ==573== stdstring : 45 bytes in 1 blocks ==573== length64 : 592 bytes in 10 blocks ==573== newarray : 5,976 bytes in 28 blocks ==573== suppressed: 253,592 bytes in 3,973 blocks ==573== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory ==573== ==573== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==573== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==597== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==597== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==597== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==597== Command: ./client-test Client::Sync::eds_contact::testItems ==597== Parent PID: 483 ==597== valgrindcheck: ./client-test Client::Source::davical_caldav::testImport Client::Source::davical_caldav::testLinkedSources Client::Source::davical_caldavtodo::testImport Client::Source::davical_carddav::testImport Client::Sync::eds_event::testItems Client::Sync::eds_task::testItems Client::Sync::eds_contact::testItems: final result 0 wrappercheck-102 line 100: RET=0 wrappercheck-102 line 101: set -e wrappercheck-102 line 107: set +x *** killing and waiting for /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory wrappercheck-102 line 108: kill -INT -104 wrappercheck-102 line 108: kill -TERM -104 wrappercheck-102 line 108: kill -TERM 104 wrappercheck-102 line 110: KILL_PID=988 wrappercheck-102 line 115: set +e wrappercheck-102 line 116: wait 104 wrappercheck-102 line 109: perl -e 'sleep(60); kill(9, -104);' wrappercheck-102 line 117: SUBRET=143 wrappercheck-102 line 118: case $SUBRET in wrappercheck-102 line 118: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-102 line 120: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-102 line 121: '[' 988 ']' wwrappercheck-102 line 122: LC_ALL=C wwrappercheck-102 line 122: kill -KILL 988 wrappercheck-102 line 122: msg= wrappercheck-102 line 123: echo '' wrappercheck-102 line 123: grep -q 'No such process' /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ line 130: 988 Killed perl -e "sleep(60); kill(9, -$BACKGROUND_PID);" wrappercheck-102 line 127: echo '' wrappercheck-102 line 129: wait 988 wrappercheck-102 line 131: set -e wrappercheck-102 line 132: '[' 0 = 0 ']' wrappercheck-102 line 133: RET=0 wrappercheck-102 line 136: exit 0 wrappercheck-82 line 100: RET=0 wrappercheck-82 line 101: set -e wrappercheck-82 line 107: set +x *** killing and waiting for /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory wrappercheck-82 line 108: kill -INT -84 wrappercheck-82 line 108: kill -TERM -84 wrappercheck-82 line 108: kill -TERM 84 wrappercheck-82 line 110: KILL_PID=993 wrappercheck-82 line 115: set +e wrappercheck-82 line 116: wait 84 wrappercheck-82 line 109: perl -e 'sleep(60); kill(9, -84);' wrappercheck-82 line 117: SUBRET=143 wrappercheck-82 line 118: case $SUBRET in wrappercheck-82 line 118: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-82 line 120: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-82 line 121: '[' 993 ']' wwrappercheck-82 line 122: LC_ALL=C wwrappercheck-82 line 122: kill -KILL 993 wrappercheck-82 line 122: msg= wrappercheck-82 line 123: echo '' wrappercheck-82 line 123: grep -q 'No such process' /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ line 130: 993 Killed perl -e "sleep(60); kill(9, -$BACKGROUND_PID);" wrappercheck-82 line 127: echo '' wrappercheck-82 line 129: wait 993 wrappercheck-82 line 131: set -e wrappercheck-82 line 132: '[' 0 = 0 ']' wrappercheck-82 line 133: RET=0 wrappercheck-82 line 136: exit 0 wrappercheck-25 line 100: RET=0 wrappercheck-25 line 101: set -e wrappercheck-25 line 107: set +x *** killing and waiting for /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry wrappercheck-25 line 108: kill -INT -28 wrappercheck-25 line 108: kill -TERM -28 wrappercheck-25 line 108: kill -TERM 28 wrappercheck-25 line 110: KILL_PID=998 wrappercheck-25 line 115: set +e wrappercheck-25 line 116: wait 28 wrappercheck-25 line 117: SUBRET=143 wrappercheck-25 line 118: case $SUBRET in wrappercheck-25 line 118: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-25 line 120: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-25 line 121: '[' 998 ']' wrappercheck-25 line 109: perl -e 'sleep(60); kill(9, -28);' wwrappercheck-25 line 122: LC_ALL=C wwrappercheck-25 line 122: kill -KILL 998 wrappercheck-25 line 122: msg= wrappercheck-25 line 123: echo '' wrappercheck-25 line 123: grep -q 'No such process' /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ line 130: 998 Killed perl -e "sleep(60); kill(9, -$BACKGROUND_PID);" wrappercheck-25 line 127: echo '' wrappercheck-25 line 129: wait 998 wrappercheck-25 line 131: set -e wrappercheck-25 line 132: '[' 0 = 0 ']' wrappercheck-25 line 133: RET=0 wrappercheck-25 line 136: exit 0 wrappercheck-21 line 100: RET=0 wrappercheck-21 line 101: set -e wrappercheck-21 line 107: set +x *** killing and waiting for dbus-monitor wrappercheck-21 line 108: kill -INT -23 wrappercheck-21 line 108: kill -TERM -23 wrappercheck-21 line 108: kill -TERM 23 wrappercheck-21 line 110: KILL_PID=1003 wrappercheck-21 line 115: set +e wrappercheck-21 line 116: wait 23 wrappercheck-21 line 117: SUBRET=143 wrappercheck-21 line 118: case $SUBRET in wrappercheck-21 line 118: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-21 line 120: SUBRET=0 wrappercheck-21 line 121: '[' 1003 ']' wrappercheck-21 line 109: perl -e 'sleep(60); kill(9, -23);' wwrappercheck-21 line 122: LC_ALL=C wwrappercheck-21 line 122: kill -KILL 1003 wrappercheck-21 line 122: msg= wrappercheck-21 line 123: echo '' wrappercheck-21 line 123: grep -q 'No such process' /data/runtests/work/sources/syncevolution/test/ line 130: 1003 Killed perl -e "sleep(60); kill(9, -$BACKGROUND_PID);" wrappercheck-21 line 127: echo '' wrappercheck-21 line 129: wait 1003 wrappercheck-21 line 131: set -e wrappercheck-21 line 132: '[' 0 = 0 ']' wrappercheck-21 line 133: RET=0 wrappercheck-21 line 136: exit 0 program returned 0 final result 0 1: killing keyring pid 14 1: killing system bus daemon 4 1: killing session bus daemon 8 1: removing XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/tmp.LhFeeRsDYV Fri Jan 5 16:04:47 2018 UTC (+ 438.2s / 1839.7s) === cleaning up ===